The founder, Sharon Ak, has embarked on yoga journey since 2005. It was influenced by the realization of a healthy work-life balance is crucial to maintain both personal and professional fulfillment. She started off as a simple student to grasp the great truths of yoga. In 2009, an hour class with senior Iyengar yoga teacher Rina P. Ortiz has totally changed her perspective on yoga practice. It also triggered her passion to enroll in the Iyengar Yoga Teacher Training Course. This two-year course allows the traditional guru-disciple relationship to enrich her alignment-based yoga classes. Meantime, she also received regular training under Sandrine Laborde and assisted in her prenatal classes before her return to France in 2012. Despite the limited resources and unforeseen challenges, Sharon has kept her unprompted learning mainly with Jawahar Bangera, Rina P. Ortiz, and other senior Iyengar teachers, namely Stephanie Quirk, Zubin Zarthoshtimanesh, etc.